Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Top secret!

the code is "ybbst"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

super siblings post!

Hey from The Super Siblings(TM)!
This weekend was super sibling sleepover Saturday where me and my sis saw wall-e ( while snacked on super yummy watermelon and sangford Redenbachers Popcorn(TM)!we also spied with i spy(TM), slithered in snake tag, and sang Shel Silver stein poems ( We swam and shook, splished and splashed, but most super fun was sitting in spaceship rocket stools! We soared through shooting stars in space and went to Planet 10 and Lego land and The Axiom,where we sit in hover chairs and drink our food after a drink-bot gives our food!We also talked to each other and saw the latest ads on our hover screens.

did you know that butterfinger's(our cat's) b-day is today???????????????????????????????
we put paws on the pictures she likes.
The Super Siblings(TM)